Articles with tag: mobile

  • Capture a GPS point

    Capture a GPS point and create new feature using GeoSync GO Plus on a mobile device. This assumes your project has been configured to support this operation and the user has appropriate permissions.

  • Move Point to GPS Location

    Move a point to the current GPS location using GeoSync GO Plus on a mobile device. This assumes your project has been configured to support this operation and the user has appropriate permissions.

  • Move a point

    Move a point feature using GeoSync GO Plus on a mobile device. This assumes your project has been configured to support this operation and the user has appropriate permissions.

  • Draw a polygon

    Draw a polygon and create a feature using GeoSync GO Plus on a mobile device. This assumes your project has been configured to support this operation and the user has appropriate permissions.

  • Link photos to features

    Link photos to new or existing features using GeoSync GO Plus on a mobile device. Use the camera or select from the gallery. This assumes your project has been configured to support this operation and the user has appropriate permissions.

  • Capture a user point

    Capture a user point and create a feature using GeoSync GO Plus on a mobile device. This assumes your project has been configured to support this operation and the user has appropriate permissions.

  • Select and Deselect Features

    How to select and deselect features using GeoSync GO Plus on a mobile device. This assumes your project has been configured to support this operation and the user has appropriate permissions.

  • Update existing feature information

    Update existing feature attributes or feature information using GeoSync GO Plus on a mobile device. This assumes your project has been configured to support this operation and the user has appropriate permissions.

  • Draw a polyline

    Draw a polyline and create a new feature using GeoSync GO Plus on a mobile device. This assumes your project has been configured to support this operation and the user has appropriate permissions.